Matthew 6:25-34 – Kingdom Needs

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Anxiety and worry are common among us all, but Jesus makes it clear that they have no place in the heart of the gospel believer. Intern Hunter Quinn continues his summer series in Matthew as we learn how our Father in heaven provides for our every need and eliminates all cause for worry.

Matthew 6:16-18 – The Hungry, Hungry Heart

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Intern Hunter Quinn continues his series in Matthew as Jesus teaches about fasting. Is there a place for fasting in a modern Christian’s life, or was it a mere ceremonial relic of the Old Testament? Are there Gospel implications to the practice of fasting? As in the rest of the Sermon on the Mount, on this topic Jesus finds ample opportunity to address the issues of the heart.

Matthew 6:5-15 – A Proper Petition

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Intern Hunter Quinn continues his series in Matthew as Jesus addresses prayer. In learning about the right (and wrong!) ways to pray and the purpose of prayer, we find assurance in the gospel of God’s continual faithfulness and mercy toward us, which is starkly contrasted with the uncertainty and fickle nature of the pagan gods.

Matthew 6:1-4 – The Gift of Love

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As believers we are called to be generous, but generosity is not solely the act of giving – our motivations and how we give matters. Intern Hunter Quinn continues his series in Matthew as Jesus teaches us how we are to give and the ways in which we fall short, along with the ever-present gospel message of complete forgiveness when we inevitably fail to give as we ought.

Matthew 5:38-48 – The Hardest Love

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Intern Hunter Quinn continues his summer series on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with a reminder of how God expects us to treat our enemies. In realizing our duty to others, we simultaneously realize God’s abounding grace by the fact that he adopts us, his enemies by nature, as children.

Matthew 5:33-37 – To Tell the Truth

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Intern Hunter Quinn continues his series on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount convicting truths about the nature of lies. As Jesus explains the true demands of the law, we find our own words and actions inevitably falling short of that standard – a realization which should drive us to the forgiveness of the gospel.

Matthew 5:27-32 – The Adulterous Heart

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Intern Hunter Quinn continues his series in Matthew where Jesus explains how sexual sins in adultery and unlawful divorce have roots deeper than what is outwardly visible. From this we are reminded of our dire and continual need for the Gospel, forgiveness, and sanctification in Christ.

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