Matthew 5:21-27 – A Murderer’s Heart

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Are you a murderer? The seemingly obvious answer to this question for most people is “no”, but in Matthew 5, Jesus points out that the definition of murder in God’s eyes goes beyond a physical act. Intern Hunter Quinn, in his continuing exposition of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, reminds us that we are all murderers in need of God’s mercy and that such mercy is readily found at the cross.

Matthew 5:17-20 – It’s the Law!

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What meaning does Old Testament law have for the modern Christian? Is it relevant at all, or can we safely ignore the rules and regulations that applied to the Jews? Intern Hunter Quinn deals with these and other questions that arise as he continues to preach through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.

Mark 6:14-21 – From Mission Control

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Pastor Craig Davis continues his series in Mark with another of the “sandwich” passages wherein Mark takes a moment to interrupt the story with what may strike us as an unrelated tangent but is actually the true heart of the message. In this case, we have the story of Herod’s beheading of John the Baptist set in the midst of Jesus sending out his disciples, and from it we learn of a few things we ought to expect on the mission God has set before us.

Mark 6:6b-13 – Accept Your Mission

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Mark’s gospel in chapter 6 tells of Jesus sending his disciples on a mission, but as Pastor Craig Davis points out, that mission did not end with the disciples. We as Christians are called to accept the mission God places before us to proclaim his good news, whether that be in fields afar or our own backyards.

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