Mark 6:1-6 – Hometown Visit

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Is there truth in the saying “familiarity breeds contempt”? Perhaps not always, but in at least one case of a prophet and king returning to the town he grew up in, it is clear that the saying rings true. As his series in Mark continues, Pastor Craig Davis proclaims the gospel from an account of its rejection by those who should have known better.

Mark 4:26-32 – Quite Contrary Kingdom

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Pastor Craig Davis continues his series in Mark as Jesus illustrates the nature of the kingdom with two more parables. We receive words of hope and reassurance as Jesus makes it clear that the kingdom grows, and it grows regardless of how imperfect our contributing efforts are.

Mark 4:21-25 – Pay Attention!

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What does the “lamp” in Mark 4:21, the one that is not supposed to be hidden under a basket, what does it refer to? And what of the measure that follows? If you are a fan of children’s Bible songs, the answer might surprise you, but rest assured the it will be founded in Gospel truth. Pastor Craig Davis continues his series in Mark with exposition of two familiar-yet-oft-overlooked parables.

Mark 4:1-20 – Hear Ye!

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Pastor Craig Davis preaches the gospel from a familiar story: Jesus’ parable of the sower. Yet despite its familiarity and the “obvious” applications people often take from it, the passage presents hard words, difficult to understand – and in some cases, hearers’ understanding is not even God’s intent.

Isaiah 40:8-10, 18-28 – The God Question

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Pastor Craig Davis begins a new series on the topic of the Belgic Confession, starting with the most basic of questions: is there a God? In our joyous affirmation along with the prophet Isaiah, we begin to explore some of God’s glorious attributes and the reasons why we can so confidently confess them to the world.

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