Mark 3:20-30 – Another Kingdom Conflict

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What is an unforgivable sin? Is there such a thing? Pastor Craig Davis tackles hard questions while preaching from Mark’s account of the scribes’ accusations that Jesus was possessed by the devil. In the encounter we find Jesus proclaiming great comfort to God’s people even as he pronounces dreadful warnings to the reprobate.

Mark 3:7-12 – When Life Presses In

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Pastor Craig Davis preaches from the Gospel of Mark, with Jesus continuing to teach and heal the crowds as his fame rises throughout the region. From the account we are reminded of several things about Jesus – his power and authority over demons and disease, his humanity, and his unending love for his children.

Mark 2:1-12 – Go Through the Roof

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Is the story of Jesus healing the paralytic about the paralytic? Is the story about Jesus’ power to heal physical affliction, or about his rhetorical mastery over the scribes? Or is the point something greater? Pastor Craig Davis answers the question with gospel truth from the Gospel of Mark.

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