Mark 1:9-13 – Identification Required for Passport

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Pastor Craig Davis brings us the Word of God from the gospel of Mark, where the narrative is flowing swiftly on to Jesus’ baptism and temptation in the wilderness. In this account God shows us the proofs of Jesus’ impeccable credentials as our Lord and Savior, and we are invited to take comfort in the fact that He has all the qualifications needed to serve as our great high priest.

Mark 1:1-8 – The Gospel Truth

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Is it true? Is it gospel truth? Though the phrase is sometimes used casually in conversation for mere emphasis, Pastor Craig Davis uses it more literally as he returns to the opening verses of Mark and relates the facts concerning another ancient proclaimer of the same glorious truth we hold today.

Mark 11:1-10 – Untying the Colt (Part 1)

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Pastor Craig Davis draws our attention to a detail related in the gospel of Mark: the peculiar episode of the untying of a colt. Given that Mark does not record anything without reason, what is the significance of this particular picture? In the answer we find joyous Gospel truth.

Colossians 1:21-23 – Alienation and Hostility

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Intern Luke Irwin brings us the Word of God from Colossians with a reminder that though by nature we are hostile and foreign to the beauty of the gospel, thanks to the grace of Christ we have the opportunity to stand firm upon its wonderful truth and comfort–a comfort our works cannot enhance and our sins cannot reduce.

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