Isaiah 8:11-9:1 – When Walking in/to Darkness

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Faith or fear? Are the two necessarily exclusive? The prophet Isaiah presents clear contrasts between light and darkness, glory and gloom, in his message to the people of Israel. Though intrigues and conspiracy change over the centuries, Pastor Craig Davis reminds us through Isaiah that the gospel message remains unchanged and we need its illumination as much as ever.

Psalm 88 – Darkness

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As Pastor Craig Davis continues his series in the Psalms, “Songs of the Eighties”, we come to a song which could easily be construed as containing nothing but depression, despair, and hopelessness. Yet we find ourselves not without hope, for the Light of the World himself at one time sang (and meant) this psalm and it is thanks to his death and resurrection that our song does not end in darkness.

Isaiah 7:18-25 – In That Day: The Coming Conquest

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On this first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Craig Davis brings us the gospel from Isaiah – but not the words perhaps most familiar to us all. Rather, Isaiah’s prophecy in this passage concerns a coming day of doom, judgement, and conquest. However, through all this, the gospel always shows forth as God promises salvation for his faithful.

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