Psalm 83 – The Avenger

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Are you comfortable with a God who is not only loving but also an avenger? Are you comfortable not only with such a God existing, but also with asking Him to destroy His enemies? Pastor Craig Davis continues his exposition of the Psalms with Psalm 83, a prayer for just such vengeance.

James 3:1-12 – Taming the Tongue

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“…if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man…but no human being can tame the tongue.” (James 3:2,8) Mr. Austin Reed continues his series in James by bringing us a sobering Word concerning our words, yet via a message not lacking the great hope of the Gospel.

James 2:14-26 – Flat-lined Faith

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“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.” (James 2:24) Does that mean that we must relinquish the Reformed cry of salvation sola fide, “by faith alone”? Intern Austin Reed explains why there is no inconsistency between this passage and our confessions (nor, more importantly, between James and the Apostle Paul) when it comes to the question of how we are saved.

James 1:19-27 – Receiving the Word

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Summer intern Austin Reed continues his series in James with an exhortation not to let the Word of God be merely a decoration of Sunday morning but to let it drive our every thought, word, and action throughout the week and throughout our lives. In this kind of doing, according to James, we also find the meaning of true, pure religion.

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