Genesis 24:10-58 – A Proper Bride for the Promised Son (Part 2)

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Continuing the story of the search for a bride suitable for Abraham’s heir, we see a father, a son, and a faithful servant. How does this story point us to Christ? Pastor Craig Davis continues his series in Genesis where God continues relating his story.

Colossians 2:20-23 – Tax System Relief

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Caesar’s burden is upon us this time of year, but should we be bearing such burdens also in our spiritual lives? By placing ourselves under rules and strict codes of conduct, can we make ourselves more righteous? Pastor Craig Davis takes up the topic with exposition from Colossians.

Genesis 23:1-20 – Purchase of Ephron’s Land

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Abraham buys a burial plot from Ephron the Hittite. What is the application to us? Is the point of the passage to teach us about real estate purchases? Negotiation? A lesson in customs and manners for the immigrant sojourner? Probably not…and Pastor Craig Davis expounds the text to answer this question.

Genesis 22:20-24 – News of Nahor’s Sons

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A brief passage with strange names – could even this snippet carry important news to us today, or is it a mere historical trifle to be skipped past on the way to more interesting and relevant stories? Pastor Craig Davis examines the news of Nahor’s sons in light of other Scripture to answer this question.

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