Philippians 1:18b-26 – The Life and Death of the Apostle Paul

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Have you ever faced a difficult choice? Choosing between two bad things can be hard, but choosing between two good things can be even harder. The Apostle Paul faced a difficult choice between what he considered to be supremely good things, a choice we might consider odd: life, or death? Intern Isaac Ferrell unravels some of the mystery and continues to shed light on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippian church.

Romans 10:4-17 – Proclamation Experiences

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Hand in hand with the expectations you may have (or should have) concerning the proclamation, there are certain experiences one might expect from interaction with the true proclamation. In this transition from his series in Acts, Pastor Davis highlights the work of the proclamation in its role as one of the marks of the true church – and how our response should not be “more work”.

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