Mark 10:35-45 – Kingdom Way (Part 2)

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James and John were confident in their ability to join Jesus in the cup He would drink and the baptism with which He was baptized. Startlingly, Jesus agreed with them, but were they talking about the same thing? Pastor Craig Davis continues his exposition of Mark 10 in part 2 of this sermon. (Part 1 can be found here.)

Mark 10:35-45 – Kingdom Way (Part 1)

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As Jesus and His disciples proceed to Jerusalem, some contention breaks out when James and John make a special, if selfish, request of Jesus. This episode is not without Gospel implications, as Pastor Craig Davis shows us in this first of three sermons on this passage.

Psalm 74 – When You Feel Cast Off

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Psalm 74 resonates with the woes of beleaguered and persecuted people. However, the psalmist does not end there, as Pastor Craig Davis helps us see the gospel message shining forth even in times of despair.

This sermon also has an accompanying study guide.

Mark 10:28-31 – Do You Follow?

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In his Gospel, Mark follows up Jesus’ interaction with the “rich young ruler” to report a statement from Peter observing that he and the other disciples have left everything to follow Christ. Is it enough? Jesus answers the question, and from that answer Pastor Craig Davis proclaims good and hard news about the Gospel.

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